
Build procedure

Stechec2’s build system is based on Waf. The build procedure is composed of the two traditional steps: configure and build itself.

The configure step is the one in which you specify where you want to install Stechec2, with what games, how, etc. At the root of the source directory, run:

./ configure --prefix=/home/user/stechec-install --with-games=tictactoe

This will configure the build system to build Stechec2 with the tictactoe game and to install it in /home/user/stechec-install (i.e. put executables in the bin subdirectory, libraries in lib, etc.). Note that this also creates the build directory, where all compilation artifacts (object files, test programs) will go.

Now, build Stechec2 and the corresponding games:

./ build

And if everything went well, install it!

./ install

Create your AI

Once the game is installed, you need to create an AI for it. To do so, generate the player environment (with different folders for each supported languages):

stechec2-generator player tictactoe player_env

You might need to install languages dependencies.

Go to the folder corresponding to the programming language you want to code in, and start editing the file prologin. A Makefile is provided to create a tarball containing all your source files (don’t forget to update the Makefile if you add new files):

make tar

Launch a match

Stechec2 is based on a server-client architecture, hence you need to launch stechec2-server and one stechec2-client per player. This can be easily done with a wrapper called stechec2-run which runs everything needed. You only have to write a small YAML configuration file.

An example might be config.yml:

rules: /usr/lib/
map: ./
verbose: 3
  - ./
  - /path/to/other/
  - Player 1
  - Player 2

A match can now be simply started with:

stechec2-run config.yml

Add spectators

To watch a game, you can add a spectator, which is a player that don’t take part in the game.

First, compile your spectator:

cd /path/to/prologin2014/gui

Then, add those lines to your config.yml:

  - /path/to/prologin2014/gui/


To use gdb with stechec2 you can add the --debug option (or simply -d) followed by the client id you want to debug:

stechec2-run -d 1 config.yml

You can find other useful options by running:

stechec2-run -h